Grand Saga is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cerah Sama Sdn Bhd, which comprises a consortium of three companies – Taliworks Corporation Berhad (TCB), Seasaf Highway Sdn Bhd (Seasaf) and Trinitywin Sdn Bhd.

TCB is an established company listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia, involved in water and waste related businesses as well as construction and engineering services. It had expanded into highway management with the acquisition of Cerah Sama in a joint venture with Seasaf in 2007. Seasaf or The South East Asian Strategic Assets Fund is an infrastructure private equity fund sponsored by the CIMB Group and Standard Bank Plc of South Africa, and jointly sponsored by the Employees Provident Fund.

Our success, increasing efficiency and competitiveness in the industry lies fundamentally in our ability to draw from the broad-based expertise provided by the coming together of all our investors in this unique company structure.

This synergistic partnership coupled with cutting-edge technology is key to our progress and status as a capable, reliable and highway operator par excellence.

About Grand Saga

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