Year 2007
Headlines |
"Gotong Royong" |
Event Date |
29th July 2007, Sunday |
GSSB also contributed to the "gotong royong" programme which was held on 29 July 2007 at Sek. Ren. Agama Batu 10, Cheras. En. Farid Ahmad, Human Resources & Admin. Manager presented the contribution to Ustaz Shahril Farid Shafaruddin, representative of Sek. Ren. Agama Batu 10.
The 'gotong royong' activities was officially launched by YBhg. Tn. Naimuddin b. Mohd Tapi, Penghulu Mukim Cheras. Also present at the opening event were the school YDP, YBhg. Dato' Hj. Md. Yaakob Hj. Darman, representatives from GSSB and other invited guests.

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